

蒙特克莱尔州立大学 continues to be a leader amongst higher education institutions in utilizing mobile technology for students to assist them in all aspects of campus life. 通过我们与 Rave移动安全, 我们提供安全, 通过使用语音进行学术和辅助应用, 当今无线运营商的文本和数据能力. Below are overviews of the Rave applications and individual instructions on how to use them:


Rave Alerts is the primary mobile communications tool at 蒙特克莱尔州立大学 that notifies the campus community in emergency situations, 以及其他可能影响校园的重要场景.

Students are automatically registered through their emergency contact information in .

请确保您的紧急联系信息准确无误. 所有情况的广播警报,包括学校关闭, 停电, 安全威胁, 天气灾害, evacuations and natural disasters will be texted to your phone or your preferred email address or both.

  • 它将打开一个新窗口. 点击单词“Current”.”
  • 选择“Cell”并输入您的电话号码. 点击“提交.”

Rave Alerts is the primary mobile communications tool at 蒙特克莱尔州立大学 that notifies the campus community in emergency situations, 以及其他可能影响校园的重要场景.

Faculty and Staff are automatically registered through their emergency contact information in 工作日. 请浏览 文档 如何在工作日更新你的个人信息.

请确保您的紧急联系信息准确无误. 所有情况的广播警报,包括学校关闭, 停电, 安全威胁, 天气灾害, evacuations and natural disasters will be texted to your phone or your preferred email address or both.


Rave Alerts is the primary mobile communications tool at 蒙特克莱尔州立大学 that notifies the campus community in emergency situations, 以及其他可能影响校园的重要场景.


父母, family members and campus visitors can now receive the same messages sent to all 蒙特克莱尔州立 students, 教职员工了解校园紧急情况, 路弯路, 延迟开业等.

请注意: 鼓励大学教职员工和学生继续使用 大网站 注册短信提醒. This new opt-in list is specifically for campus visitors and users without a 大学 NetID.


用户可以随时通过发送关键字来注册 蒙特克莱尔statealerts 拨打以下号码之一:226787、67283、78015或77295.


The opt-in users are placed on a separate list from the main Rave Text Alert that houses users with a 大学 NetID. 这个新系统完全由用户管理.

If a family member or visitor signs up for the Rave Text Alerts and wants to be taken off of the system, they can text “STOP” 拨打以下号码之一:226787、67283、78015或77295. Texting “START” to any of these shortcodes will resume / reinstate the Alert messages.


请注意: While Rave移动安全 does not charge for this service, message and data rates may apply. 视乎用户目前的手机服务计划及合约而定, 他们的运营商可能会对短信收费. Please refer to the current mobile phone service plan and contract for additional information.


狂欢监护人: Guardian is the award-winning safety application that makes your safe campus here at 蒙特克莱尔州立大学, 更安全的. Guardian is a timer-based system accessed by using the free Guardian safety app and clicking on the Safety Timer icon and entering a PIN number that you create upon registration.


  1. 去RAVE网站..
  2. 输入你的大学网号和密码.
  3. 选择“登录”.
  4. 选择My Account选项卡.
  5. 选择GET the APP按钮.
  6. 按照提示下载卫报应用程序.

After you register for 狂欢监护人 you will receive a text message confirming that your registration is complete.


Guardian provides peace of mind and increased security by transforming any smartphone into a personal safety device. 狂欢监护人 is activated by initializing a timer or placing a 恐慌的电话 to 大学警察 personnel


  1. 在从一个地方旅行到另一个地方之前, 比如深夜从图书馆走到宿舍, 用户激活手机上的“守护者”计时器.
  2. 当用户安全到达目的地时, they deactivate their Guardian timer – police and first responders are not alerted. 这被称为被动语态.
  3. 如果计时器过期, police and first responders are notified immediately with detailed case information. 这被称为正在进行的案件.


狂欢监护人 is a smart phone application developed for the iPhone and Android operating systems. The 狂欢监护人 application can be downloaded from the respective app stores (the Apple App Store or Google Play). 下载并成功注册后, click on the Safety Timer icon and enter your PIN number that you created upon registration.


  1. 点击“Guardian”应用程序..
  2. 点击“安全定时器”.’
  3. 输入您在注册过程中创建的4位密码.
  4. Guardian验证手机号码.
  5. 输入定时器时长.
  6. 进入您的状态.
  7. 选择你的主要监护人.

大学警察 recommends that your status should contain the following information:

  • 你现在在哪里.
  • 你的目的地.
  • 你的宿舍和房间号(如果适用).)
  • 您的车辆品牌/型号和车牌号码(如适用).)
  • 你要见的人, 你要去上的课或者你要去的停车场, 以及对你所穿衣服的简短描述.
  • If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, you can leave that information as well.

A timer is now activated and 已通知大学警务人员 that a passive case has been initiated. 您的个人资料信息和/或地理位置目前不会被共享. 五个 minutes prior to the timer expiring, a reminder message is sent to your mobile phone. 消息如下: 您的监护人安全会话将在5分钟后过期.

重要提示: 如果您尝试启动监护人,但尚未注册您的手机, 建议您访问WWW.getrave.. Com并注册.


  1. 单击“停用”图标
  2. 输入您的4位密码
  3. Guardian验证手机号码
  4. 该案例已停用

如果您没有在计时器到期之前停用它, 大学警务人员被告知重要的安全概况信息, 联系方式和最后已知的地理位置.


如果尝试输入PIN的次数超过分配的数量, 已通知大学警务人员. In this scenario either you are entering your PIN incorrectly or an assailant may have your phone and is trying to
用不正确的PIN码停用定时器. 不管怎样,都会通知大学警察.

In the event an emergency situation arises and you are forced to divulge your 4-digit PIN number to an assailant, you can send a 胁迫的代码 to 大学警察 personnel by entering a 4-digit PIN that is one number higher than your original PIN.
例如:你的密码是1831. 如果您受到胁迫,您可以输入1832作为您的密码. 胁迫代码会出现,使移动设备上的计时器失效. 事实上, the 胁迫的代码 has notified campus police that you are potentially in a dangerous situation. 注意:9999不是有效的PIN

基于位置的服务vs. 语音信息
如果计时器过期了, 你的手机运营商提供基于位置的服务, 大学警察 will be able to view a modified map of the campus with an approximate location of where your cell phone is. 基于无数的条件.g. 室内或室外,建筑物的顶层或地下室等. 大学警察 can view your cell phone’s location within 50-300 meters accuracy. 如果案件仍在审理中, 大学警察将能够“摸清”你手机的移动轨迹.

值得注意的是,大学警察是 从来没有 able to obtain your location or profile information unless you are utilizing the panic call or your timer has expired.

If you need immediate assistance you may click on the ‘Call’ icon from within the ‘Emergencies’ icon.
大学警察 personnel are immediately notified that you are in urgent need of assistance. 紧急呼叫可以在定时器被激活或不被激活的情况下启动. 与此同时,大学警务人员接到了报警电话, an active case opens on the 狂欢监护人 Console that is monitored by 大学警察 personnel. 活动案例显示您的安全档案和地理位置.

重要提示: Your timer will expire and 大学警察 personnel will be notified even if your phone is turned off!

You are now ready to use Guardian, and make your campus here at 蒙特克莱尔州立大学 更安全的!


E-TIPSE-TIPS是一条举报热线. You can send a tip to the 蒙特克莱尔州立 Campus Police by using the Guardian safety app and clicking on the Emergency icon. 你可以举报任何事情,从欺凌到打碎车窗.

E-TIPS是一条举报热线. If you see something happening on campus that you feel needs to be reported you can notify the 蒙特克莱尔州立 Campus Police with your tip.

  • 机密提示热线:分机. 校内分机号码8477
  • CONFIDENTIAL TEXT LINE: Text “E-TIPS” then a space and your message to 67283 from your cellular phone.